If you work in the Arts, you’ll likely be familiar with Tessitura, a nonprofit tech company dedicated to helping arts and cultural organisations thrive.  

Widely used across the globe, Tessitura’s arts enterprise software helps companies to manage their activities in ticketing, fundraising, customer relationship management and marketing.

Tessitura is set to release v16 in July 2022 - a major version upgrade to the existing Tessitura platform. TN Express Web (TNEW) v16 will be released hand in hand with Tessitura v16. But what does this mean for you and your organisation?

In this post, we’ll explore some of the key changes coming with v16, and offer tips for a smooth transition to the new release. 


What’s new in Tessitura v16? 

The answer is A LOT. Visit the Tessitura website and you’ll find a plethora of training resources to guide you through the core changes. And if you already have an account with Tessitura, you can log in and visit the v16 hub for even more information.

It might feel a little overwhelming at first and unclear where to begin. So let us help by breaking down the key Tessitura and TNEW v16 changes you’ll want to know about. 

Friendlier browser-based interface

User experience is at the heart of everything we do at Bravo, so it pleases us greatly that a friendlier browser-based interface is one of the big changes in v16. As well as a new design, Tessitura's business application will get a lot of new browser-based screens with version 16. This will allow some users to operate totally on web-based screens for the first time.

Membership improvements 

The Membership section in Tessitura v16 has had a complete overhaul, and now includes Benefits. You’ll see 4 different types of Benefits in v16: Ticketing, Premium, Manually Tracked, and Not Tracked. ​​Memberships will now be able to take advantage of pricing rules. This means that as patrons add items to their carts, member discounts and benefits apply in real-time. 

We know that many organisations currently have memberships set up as products. This functionality will now be out-of-the-box and embedded within the v16 software.

As such, a migration process will need to be undertaken to move your ‘memberships as products’ solution to the native membership functionality in v16. With this comes API changes, as well as a potential impact on reporting due to changes in the data structure that supports memberships. 

If this applies to you, get in touch with our team for help with migrating to the new membership functionality set-up.

Predictive forecasting in Analytics

Imagine you could accurately predict event attendance, ticket sales, or donation effectiveness? With Tessitura v16, that might just be possible. Powered by Sisense technology, Tessitura Analytics will include a powerful AI-driven forecasting tool.

You can apply Sisense's AI-based forecasting to sales, donations and membership trends for deep insights and a competitive edge. Excitingly, you’ll also be able to analyse all interactions an individual has with your organisation. This will allow for a more complete analysis of your customer relationship.

Chart showing Tessitura v16 forecasting tool

HTML templates for TNEW

With TNEW v16, all account-based and order confirmation emails must be sent using HTML templates. These templates are created and managed within TNEW and are, to an extent, customisable. It’ll be interesting to learn how much flexibility there is with the design of these templates.

v16 will also give the ability to create both an HTML-rich content version and a text version of HTML templates. Emails in plain text are still highly relevant today - especially with the increase in wearable technology like smartwatches, which tend to display emails in plain text.

Tessitura v16 User Interface of HTML Email templates

TNEW accessibility updates 

TNEW v16 incorporates important accessibility upgrades including:

  • Introduction of alt text properties for images 
  • Use of visual decorations other than colour, such as graphic elements, icons and shapes, to convey meaning
  • Appropriate colour contrast ratio between text and its background 
  • Ability to resize text
  • Appropriate keyboard controls for interactive elements

Tessitura’s aim is for the base TNEW eCommerce site to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA compliance level. 


What do you need to do?

So now we know what some of the significant changes with v16 are, what do you need to do about it?

If you're not using TNEW, make sure you're using the REST API

The SOAP API is being sunsetted and replaced with the more flexible REST API in v16. If you’re still using SOAP, you’ll need to ensure that you’ve moved to REST before you migrate to v16. It’s worth checking with your web developer if you’re unsure of your status.

Assess your current Tessitura or TNEW integration

Regardless of whether you use custom Tessitura or TN Express Web, it’s important to assess your integration. Get a clear understanding of the features that you use, don’t use and want to use. 

Determine the easiest path for migration

Based on your assessment of your current set-up, ask yourself, how do I recreate what I have now in v16? Let that be your initial focus. 

Then move on to ask, what additional features can I utilise with v16?

Lean on your Tessitura rep or web development agency

If in doubt, ask the experts! Tessitura has lots of resources on their website including training videos, a v16 ‘hub’ and detailed documentation on the technical changes. You can also reach out to your Tessi rep, or ask your web agency for help. 

If you need support, reach out to us via our Contact page. We’re highly experienced with Tessitura and would be more than happy to assist you!



Tessitura v16 has been a long time coming. With a range of feature upgrades and additions like predictive analytics, a more user-friendly interface and membership improvements, v16 is worth getting excited about. 

Take action now by:

  • Making sure you’re using the REST API
  • Assessing your integration
  • Determining the easiest path
  • Leaning on the experts 




If you fancy chatting to one of our digital experts about your migration to Tessitura or TNEW v16, reach out at hello@studiobravo.com.au